This natural burial meadow is adjacent to an existing area of old meadow and woodland which has a rich natural biodiversity. The surrounding land has been farmed by our family for 130 years.
Our mission – to create a haven of peace and beauty where the woodland and wildflower meadow will be a lasting feature in the landscape. The site has glades of native trees with open meadow which will enhance the already attractive landscape and improve habitat for birds and other wildlife. The meadow areas are maintained using traditional hay making techniques to encourage the establishment of wildflowers.
Wildlife – by creating a bio-diverse landscape we are encouraging a good balance of wildlife. The meadow and surrounding land is benefiting a range of species. The wildflowers, provide bees and butterflies and other insects with food. We are creating an ideal barn owl habitat. Our owl boxes provide perfect places to roost and rear young. Skylarks can frequently be heard high overhead, and the increasing biodiversity encourages many other bird species.
Memorial trees, wildflowers & bulbs
Memorial trees may be planted adjacent to the grave following the burial. Suitable native tree species include beech, crab apple, field maple, birch, oak, rowan, wild cherry, wild service, holly and hazel.
All grave plots are numbered and each burial is entered in our burial register. We also allow a simple plaque with names and dates if a family wishes.
We encourage the planting of native bulbs – snowdrops, english bluebells and native daffodils which we supply to ensure native provenance.
In keeping with the natural burial ethic only fresh string tied flower sprays are allowed on the grave site.
No herbicides will be used in the burial ground other that to ensure good establishment of the young trees and control of any noxious weeds.
At Brightwater we allow ceremonies of your choice with or without a religious element. Individual graves may be blessed.
Each burial is special, and we encourage families to take as much part in the ceremony as they feel able. Most are arranged with the guidance of a funeral director, however if a family wishes to make their own arrangements we are happy to discuss these.
Natural burial should have as little impact on the environment as possible. To ensure this, the body is not embalmed and burial takes place in a fully biodegradable coffin, casket or shroud made from natural materials. It is then laid to rest in a shallow single depth grave.
Adjoining plot/s may be reserved for a spouse or other family members. We allow the interment of ashes in a designated area or an existing grave.